Project Graduation

Project Graduation
My Cousin Jenny: Project Graduation

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Welcome to 2012 (Cassandra)

Cass bringing in the New Years with loved ones!

"What does the future hold for me?"

As December 31, 2011 began to wind down, all I could think was, “What does the future hold for me.” My night started at approximately 11pm with close friends at a small gathering in the Chicago, IL. Arriving at the gathering two hours late, I had a lot of catching up to do. Pink Panties was the drink of choice and it was a great one might I add. 

 As I prepared to do my video, I began trying to figure out what it was that I would say.  I decided on something simple, that got straight to the point, and was in a quiet lit area.  With the help of my best friend Samaria, I made a video that said what I wanted to say in as little words as possible, successfully, on take four. Friends and family began to yell for me to hurry so that I would make it in time for my midnight kiss, before the clock turned 12:01.

As I kissed and hugged my friends and love ones, all could say was, “we made it and this is only the beginning.” I reminisced on 2011 and made a commitment to leave the past in the past and toast to new beginning.  2012 will hold a lot of responsibilities that 2011 overlooked due to the assumption that I had all the time in the world.  With exactly 5 month and 5 days till the big day, all l could do was smile and enjoy myself.  Check out the video!! Wish I could have been in with the festivities as I recorded, but after take two, we learned it was nothing but confusion.  Well… Welcome 2012, im ready to make your acquaintance.. Enjoy! Enjoy my video too!!!!

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